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I am just a piece of trash

It turns out, this wound isn’t about the matter of Umrah or visiting the holy land. It’s about the fact that I NEVER got to go on Umrah with my parents. While other kids and even the one and only daughter-in-law already have. See? Turns out I’m just that invisible, huh? Turns out I’ve been replaced by the beloved daughter-in-law. Even though as a daughter-in-law myself, I was only taken advantage of. In the end, I was discarded by my parents and handed over to my in-laws. Hahaha, how pathetic it is to be me. But yeah, I get it. I know I’ve got the most sins compared to my siblings. My siblings and even my sister-in-law are pure, sinless. Meanwhile, me? Oh, I’m drenched in sin. Yep, I’m fully aware. The one with the most sins deserves to be discarded and thrown into the trash.
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 JANGAN PERNAH wa duluan ke orang itu Kalo gamau disemprot 🤣 Ya gpp sih disemprot akunya biasa aja Cuma dari yang udah-udah polanya sama Ketika aku WA duluan Jadinya aku akan dihabisi sampe babak belur Luarbiasa bukan 😄 Yauda gpp malah enak The real manfaatin duitnya DOANK 😄 Biarkan dia jadi mesin atm 😌 Karena itu pilihan dia sendiri Dia gamau jadi manusia Maunya jadi mesin 🏧👏

Stay cantik

 Duluuu Digaslight responnya Sad, cry, feeling guilty, down, stressed Now responnya Laugh, happy, and shout out "Sukuriiiin" 😁😁😁 Semakin sering disalahkan malah senang Artinya semakin aku membuatnya marah So yang bermasalah siapa? Dia Karena dia yang marah Aku? Hepi2 aja gada masalah 😁 Biarin yang gila, gila aja sendirian Aku jangan ikut-ikutan gila Tidak usah repot2 membantu Karena dari yang sudah-sudah Dibantu malah DISALAHKAN so, skrg hilang 100% empatinya Sekarang jadi 100% TIDAK PEDULI yang penting kebutuhanku terpenuhi 😁😁😁 Duit lancar alhamdulillah  Jajan hobi aman Gofood sering aman Laundry terus Yaudah sih apanya yg susah So easy  Dianya kesulitan? Liatin aja sambil smile Stay cantik, ladies 😁

And the story goes...

This story begins in 2019. At that time, I had just graduated and had my graduation ceremony in April. Right after graduation, I went back home to my parents’ house to look for a job and became more active in blogging. Actually, I had been active even before graduating. Because of that, I made a lot of new friends—friends whom I am still connected with even now. Isn’t it magical? I was in a phase of life crisis as a 25-year-old girl, wondering where my life would go next. I was still very confused, wanting to work, but it wasn’t that easy. Until my mother had the idea to send me to pursue a master’s degree at UGM. Of course, that offer was very appealing, even though I later found out that to fund it, my mother had to sell her land assets. I felt so guilty. If only I had known that earlier, maybe I would have declined her offer. It would have been better for me to be her personal assistant because she needed one much more. And yes, I believe it was all part of God’s will. I continu...

Sebuah penemuan

 Emang ye makin lama manusia itu makin pinter So do I Jd aku bertahun2 dgn konsep feeling guilty smpe akun blog pun namanya jd gini kan haha krn sebab itu tadi Dihantui rasa bersalah Stlh dpikir2 why? Knp aku hrs kaya gini Halooo Nah jadi knp engga Bersikap gini Contoh: Gara2 kamu beliin ayam suwir pedes aku jd diare Instead of ngerasa salah dan sedih dan berpikir ya Allah kok aku salah ya ngasih makanannya No no im no more kaya gitu Tapiiii better gini Hahaha sukurin Emang aku sengaja mau "nyusahin" kamu 😌😌😌😌

Sebuah pertanyaan

 Menjadi orang bermental sehat efek negatifnya adalah kureng maju kaya aku Mungkin aku sekarang di fase enjoy the life gada beban berat mindfull bersyukur tp jadinya aku stuck Tapi kenapa gabole stuck ya Kenapa semua orang harus jadi seleb? Harus jd influencer? Harus jadi orang yang pengikutnya banyak? Harus kamera face? Harus berduit yg bisa bikin naik pesawat bisnis class? Apa gaboleh ya jd org biasa2 aja? Memangnya kenapa kalo engga jadi "main character duniawi?" Entahlah akupun bingung kalopun aku pengen jadi MC duniawi harus kumulai dr mana ya🙄