finally, jadi juga bikin hanbok, setelah sebelumnya bingung, kalo dah jadi mau buat apa??? karena sebentar lagi bakal ada momen spesial, jadi gapapa kali yah dipake buat momen itu, hahay. karena saya masi belajar menjahit, jadi pake kain yang murah, yaitu AERO yang biasanya dipake buat furing. kain ini tipis dan panas sebenernya warnanya tosca dan pink, tadinya mau ungu, tapi karena udah unya dress warna ungu dan pink maka saya memilih toska hanbok terdiri dari two pieces, bagian atas yang disebut jeogori, dan bawah yang disebut chima. jeogorinya pake warna pink. chimanya pake warna tosca, sedangkan buat bagian chima yang ketutup, pake warna putih yang aku ambil dari jilbab lamaku, hueheh soalnya kalo bagian atas chima yang ketutup tetep pake aero, nantinya bakal panas dipake, dan ga nyaman chima (bagian roknya) pake kain aero 2 meter, lebar 115. aku potong lebarnya 7 cm, sisanya full buat rok bagian atas chima, pake jilbab putih lamaku, lengan pake aero pink jeogori juga pake pink bag...
Buffer Stock is a stock held to reduce the negative effects (stock-out costs) of an unusually large usage of stock.
ReplyDeleteBuffer stock schemes seek to stabilize the market price of products by buying up supplies of the product when stocks are plentiful and selling stocks of the product onto the market when supplies are low.
In theory buffer stock schemes should be profit making, since they buy up stocks of the product when the price is low and sell them onto the market when the price is high. However, they do not often work well in practice. Clearly, perishable items cannot be stored for long periods of time and can therefore be immediately ruled out of buffer stock schemes. Setting up a buffer stock scheme also requires a significant amount of start up capital, since money is needed to buy up the product when prices are low. There a re also high administrative and storage costs to be considered.
The success of a buffer stock scheme however ultimately depends on its ability to correctly estimate the average price of the product over a period of time. This estimate is the scheme’s target price and obviously determines the maximum and minimum price boundaries. But if the target price is significantly above the correct average price then the organisation will find itself buying more produce than it is selling and it will eventually run out of money. The price of the product will then crash as the excess stocks built up by the organisation are dumped onto the market. Conversely if the target price is too low then the organisation will often find the price rising above the boundary, it will end up selling more than it is buying and will eventually run out of stocks.
*sibuk sendiri nyari kamus :))
bahasa indonesiane mbaaa
bukan definisi
jadi ceritanya ada yang mention di @ID_AyahASI trus diRT, nyebutin "buffer stock ASIPku cukup, horeee"
ReplyDeleteaku mikir "buffer?? larutan penyangga??? ASIP dijaga pH2nya gitu siy???" -> sok kimiawati
eh setelah dicek di kamus, buffer stock itu satu rangkaian, dan artinya adalaaaaaaaah
tebak yaaaaaaaah
embuuhh.. =))
ReplyDeletepersediaan kali mbak :D
ReplyDeletekalo' ngomongin buffer ingetnya ke memory komputer siy :-D
ReplyDeletebrati apa dong buffer stock yg dimaksud ?
persediaan yg aman ? jadi maksudnya meskipun berhenti memerah sekian lama, masih punya stok ASI yg gak habis sampe' anak umur 2thn ? :-D
stok tambahan
ReplyDeletekalau ngomongin buffer ingat plajaran kimia. hahahaa
ReplyDeletehahahaa.. aku juga keingetannya larutan penyangga :D
ReplyDeletejawaban yang benar adalaaaah
jawabannya mba Ariiiii :D
ning perlistrikan ga eneng buffer ya?
iya bisa
ReplyDeletecuma kalo persediaan lebih ke arti stocknya
ahay iya yah kalo bukavideo di yutup buffering mulu
ReplyDeleteiya bener mba
cuma kalo ampe 2 taun ga tau juga si
maksudnya stocknya nambah terus
benerrr bangettt
ReplyDeletesok2an si yah gaya2an sebagai anak kimia :p
anak MIPA keknya emank mikirnya terlalu pelajaran :P
ReplyDeleteeh,gini2 kan saya skarang jadi guru privat plajaran kimia.
ReplyDeleteTA saya juga ada kaitannya dengan kimia. hahhaayyy
sip deeeeeeeeeh :D
ReplyDeletebuffer ~ larutan penyangga ~ youtube
Brarti dapet hadiah ni, asikkk...
ReplyDeleteBrarti itu stok yg ada di freezer kali ya haha soale aku selain nyetok bumbu jadi dan kaldu di kulkas bawah, aku jg simpen yg beku di atas, dan itu menolong bgt pas bumbu dan kaldu habis di stok bawah, sekaligus alarm untk bikin yg baru segera kalo mau kontinyu masaknya xixix
Kemarin rencana nyetok asi jg begitu, sedia 2 container di bwh dan 1 container di atas
ReplyDeleteTapi emang si kalo baca buffer, ni otak larinya ke larutan penyangga bahan kimia mulu
ReplyDeletetukang donlot -> aku :))
@mb ari
yup yup
wah rajin yah mba ari
bener banget tuh jadi ready selalu ya
hadiahnya kitchen set (gambarnya doank) :p
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