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kamu ketauan

and the hater is finally revealed. People who comment harshly leave her email address so i can check it on inbox facebook and cs. she's actually people who ever order in our shop but just one time and with very loooooong conversation and funny. she said she want to try pumping use breastpump that she order in front of our kurir which is our kurir is a man. can u imagine a mom pumping ASI in front of a stranger (man). what a funny, rite? and, indeed, her comment in asibayi BB app world is so harsh and silly. hater will always gonna be hater. we'll ignore all of ur words. talk to hand or "ngomong sama tangan". wkwkwk


  1. ngapain juga dia nyoba2 tu alat di depan orang asing?

  2. @anty
    hu um

    @mb yana
    katanya takut kita jual barang rusak :)

  3. alamak....segitunya gak percaya sama yg jual (asibayi)
    ya ngapain beli di situ kalau gak percaya ? :)

  4. @ima
    am i look engga sabar??

    @mb santi
    hu um

  5. Ahaha... :D

    betewe, saiki postingan mb ii ttg dagangan terus nih... :D

  6. soale ora nana bahan liyane :))

  7. Hahaha.. Nah itu mba, masa' Diah kudu nyoba bp di depan kurir cowo' asibayi? Haha. Udah mana pada jenggotan + celana ngatung, haha.. *mau betulin bp*

  8. wkwkwk

    iyah tar kalo diah ke asibayi sms aja
    biar aku meluncur ke toko

  9. hahaha. gak cerdas banget yah si mommy itu. ckck.

  10. wohohoho.. akhire konangan juga toh..


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