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for my dearest bestfriend, don't be sad, he's not the only man, c'mon wake up and just forget him, there's a better man for u, yeah the much more better, so just erase all about him, don't be so mellow just because u are left by him, it's ramadhan, just focus with HIM, who knows HE will give a miracle *soklinggisan


  1. Oke... baiklah tengkyu ya ii... You r my best friend... thanks to God I have a friend like u *mewakili frien-nya Kiki

    Kabuurrrr sebelum digebuk kiki...

  2. seharusnya yang bersedih itu bukan kamu, tapi dirinya karena baru saja dia kehilangan orang yang mengaguminya.....


  3. @fisra
    digebuk pake bantal empuk bertaburan coklat krispi
    *opoooooikiiiii :))))

    silakan :)


    gimana ga sedih
    isi status FBnya melow mulu
    patah hati tiada tara sampe membuat orang yang begitu ceria berubah 180 derajat jadi orang super melow

    pernah ngalamin?
    pasti engga

  4. Suka cokolate....^___^ asseekkk... dahhh

  5. nulisnya jgn di sini tapi di twitter, wong e ra iso moco nek di sini
    #sotoy :P

  6. rinsenpai sotoy ayam ni
    my bestfren kan banyak :)


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