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hijabi fashion week

from here and here

If you're a blogger (tumbler, wordpress, blogger, etc) or have a website:

1. Place the LoveHFW badge on your blog or site (perhaps in each outfit post or even in the sidebar).
2. Take photos of your looks for each of the categories and post them to your blog on the assigned date. You can also submit polyvore sets or display your looks in any manner you are comfortable with.
3. Link to your blog post to LoveHFW on the assigned date for each category using the link widget. Categories can be found here. Please not that you will not be able to submit links until after 12am on the assigned date. You can find detailed instructions on how to link the day of. Also, link submissions will be open for up to two weeks after the assigned date.

The Categories Are:

Day 1 (May 30) - Work Wear
Us girls got to make some money! What would you wear in a professional environment?

Day 2 (May 31) - Formal Attire
Whether it's traditional/cultural, black tie event, weddings, or anything else, show us how you get dressed up for formal event!

Day 3 (June 01) - Work Out Wear
A new category, but so essential! What do you wear when exercising, going to the gym, or anything to stay active and fit?

Day 4 (June 02) - Date Night
If you're married, you know what this is all about! Share how you can dress up an outfit for a night out with your husband (or future husband for all us single ladies out there)!

Day 5 (June 03) - Jummah
Jummah Jamaat (Friday Prayer) is very specific to Islam and the sunnah says to wear something simple, clean, and new if you can! What's your favorite thing to wear when visiting the mosque?

Day 6 (June 04) - Vacation / Travel
Time to kick back and relax! What do you wear on vacation or while traveling?

Day 7 (June 05) - Party Hostess
Last HFW we had Girls' Night Out, but this year YOU are the hostess! What would do you wear when you call your girls over to hang out? What kind of parties or get-togethers do you like best?


  1. aku juga mao posting ini kiii hehehe
    makasih ya dear...
    jadi ikutan gak?

  2. aku ga mudeng yang ini "3. Link to your blog post to LoveHFW on the assigned date for each category using the link widget."

    link widgetnya gimana caranya yah?

  3. ini kali maksudnya kita masukin link ato banner mereka di postingan kita, gitu bukan sih?
    nah yang aku heran... mereka tau kita posting gimana kalo kita gak ada tempat buat submit, adakah link buat tempat submit?

  4. iya bingung juga
    kalo yang dulu diemail ke adminnya
    sekarang ga ada info emailnya yah

  5. kyaknya mereka searching gugel siapa aja yang pake banner itu kali ki?
    make sense gak sih? :D

  6. heuheu
    maybe kita komen ke blognya kali ya
    atau nulis di shoutboxnya
    eh ada shoutboxnya ga si
    ntar aku cek

  7. kasih tau yah klo ada info baru
    oiya ada tuwitnya juga ki:

  8. Ikutan, i'
    Buat pengalaman...*kompor*

  9. Kapan sidang, i' ?
    Semoga dimudahkan..

  10. belum daftar si
    belum brani
    makanya mau sinau dulu


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